Friday, December 3, 2021

Challenge 240 - Holiday Cards

 Hi, Cut it Up Fans!
Happy Friday!  :)
All your CASEd projects were fantastic!  We enjoyed comparing them to the originals and seeing your personal style shine through. says the winner of the $20 voucher to the DRS Designs online store is: 

# 1, Karen L!  
Please email us so we can get your prize out to you.   Send your email address to Evelyn at this address:

Winners have until December 15th, 2021 to contact us or the prize will be rolled over to a future challenge.  😞

If you link an entry to this challenge, please stop by on 
December 17 to see if you won.
We love to award prizes!

Our top entries were:
# 1, Karen L *
# 4, Donna Scholz *
# 12,  Rosi *

Ladies, your creations were fabulous!   Grab the button below and proudly display it on your blogs!
* Please also contact Evelyn if you'd like to be a guest designer for a future challenge!  😊

Now, on to challenge #240, chosen by Evelyn, 
Holiday Cards
Create a Holiday Card that includes a die cut.
Notice that we are not specifying which holiday.  This challenge is cards only but for any holiday.  We hope to get a LOT of variety!!
This challenge runs from December 3, 2021 until December 15, 2021, (noon, EST)
Our sponsor for this challenge is

Prize: $10 coupon code to their digi shop


Oddball Art graciously provided the design team members with an image to use on their projects.  Thank you so very much!
Here is some design team inspiration for you.  Click on each designer's name to be taken to her blog and learn more about her project.  While you're there, become followers and leave them some love!





 will choose the winner from all ELIGIBLE entries.  The design team will be picking their favorites for the "top cut" from all ELIGIBLE entries and those winners will receive a button to proudly display on their blogs. 

Some friendly reminders about our challenges:
Projects must follow the theme of the challenge.
 Must include a die cut. 
Only one entry per person. 
Projects that do not follow the theme and/or the rules are not eligible for the top three or for the prize. You can read more about our rules on this post

 Thanks for stopping by!  We look forward to seeing what you create!


  1. Hi There is no linky thingg to add my card. So here it is
    hugs Ria

  2. Thank you for integrating my link to your challenge, there is no linky to enter my link.

  3. Congrats to the winners!
    have a great day!

  4. Félicitations à la DT pour ses superbes créations.
    C’est toujours un plaisir de tenter sa chance dans ce beau challenge.
    Congratulations to DT for their superb creations.
    It's always a pleasure to try your luck in this great challenge.

  5. Wonderful inspirations from the team - but sorry, I can't see any InLinkz tool.

  6. Thank you very much for choosing my card in the top selection and many thanks for the guest designer offer too! Currently am very far from my crafting tools, otherwise I would have gladly accepted. Maybe another time. Rosi x

  7. Thank you for the new challenge and Happy Dance to Karen - yeah!! I do not see the link up here. Have a Merry Christmas!

  8. How do I participate? missing InLinkz?

  9. Fabulous work from the design team. I would love to join in the challenge but there doesn’t appear to be a Linky
